Virtual SCOB Reunion

July 16th & 17th 2021

Zoom Video

Get your 2021 SCOB Reunion Family Shirt, designed by Kerrika Brooks, from Etsy!

Welcome to the 2021 SCOB Family Reunion!!! Unfortunately the realities of COVID-19 have made this the 2nd Annual Virtual Reunion and we won't get to share the joy and laughter in person. 

Fortunately, 2020 gave us an opportunity to enhance our online collaboration skills and we've made some improvements for 2021 to help drive an even more interactive engagement!

The Morning Wake Up

8:00a - 10:00a CDT

Physical, mental and emotional health are cornerstones for a quality life. In that spirit, join us for  morning prayer followed by a pair of 20 minute workout sessions to get the blood flowing for our extended vSCOB Saturday activities!

Prayer: Ray Dyer & Felicia Davis

Workout: Larry Turnley 

S.C.O.B. We've Got Talent

10:15a - 12:15p CDT

Join us as we explore some of the many talents represented in this family.  We'll have a "Get on Up" music session. We'll close this block of time with open discussion and fellowship.

Get on Up: Ralph Cotten

Cancelling COVID

12:30p - 2:30p CDT

COVID-19 caused massive death and economic destruction, but drove unprecedented innovation in healthcare, from vaccines to telehealth, and created significant opportunity for financial betterment. Join us as we discuss health and future financial success.

Health: Kiana & Chanel

Financial Success: Kendrick Bates

The Good News

2:45p - 3:45p CDT

2020 wasn't all bad, let's celebrate the good times as we recount births, marriages, promotions, accomplishments, community service, and other significant impacts this family made in our communities and around the world. "Pics or it didn't happen", no problem, Whitney Brooks Productions will deliver a world class review of the year captured by the collective SCOB camera lens! 

Celebrating Family: Open Discussion

SCOB Reunion 2022: Open Discussion

The Get Down

4:00p - 5:30p CDT

Trivia, Trivia, Trivia... What a way to end the day. Join us for some music trivia for the young and old. 

Music Trivia: Courtney Brooks

Special Thanks

Thank you to everyone that made this years virtual event possible!!! A special thanks to Whitney, Ryan, George and Keith for all their efforts planning and coordinating this years virtual reunion! Likewise, we're grateful to Whitney Brooks for putting the video together and the S.C.O.B. Family for contributing memories. We know it takes a lot of time and effort and it is greatly appreciated! Finally, a special thanks to Kerrika for designing the logo and shirts for this year, they look amazing and are available through her Etsy shop here

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Topic: Hospitality Suite

Time: Jul 16, 2021 04:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

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The Main Event Information:

Topic: The Main Event

Time: Jul 17, 2021 07:30 AM Central Time (US and Canada)

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Site Admins: Ryan Finneran & Keith Brooks